Monday, April 14, 2008

Who's Opinion is Correct? Shirtgate?

Opinions? Who's correct?

I love these times, depending on who you talk to, the market is either wonderful or terrible. As I've said in earlier posts, the continuous give and take around whether the market is good or bad just accentuates the old adage that all real estate is local.

As many of you know, I have referred to Globe articles in the past. And as we talk at Open Houses and over drinks, the conversation inevitably comes back to the same questions.

Well, over the weekend, this being April, once again the Globe has put together the Ying and the Yang of the current market.

In one series of articles they discuss the reasons for selling and buying in todays market conditions. Of course there are sound arguments on both sides of the topic.

In another article, and this one truly puts a point on the notion that the market is local, the Globe publishes a table that shows the 10 hottest markets in the local area.

Watertown topping this list is exciting for us here in the Watertown area. We've been telling folks that Watertown is staying strong, and some of that strength is the new developments over off of Pleasant St, however properties in Watertown are still finding buyers. Even in this "tough market."

If you didn't get a chance to read the articles, here's the link at the Globe:


On another note - It never ceases to amaze me how the fans of our Olde Town Team and those of the Evil Empire can continue to find ways to increase the rivalry and ultimately bring the animosity between our two cities to a new level.

The curse of the buried shirt is a media bonanza for the new Yankee Stadium, the building isn't even complete yet and there is already a tale that will be told for generations to come.

I can't wait to see if this pans out as as true story or as a publicity stunt engineered by the Stienbrenners and the management of the team.

BTW - It seemed like it took forever, and I did go to sleep before the game ended, but it's nice to see that the Sox were triumphant last nite.

Have a great spring week,

Go Sox!

- Geof

Monday, March 31, 2008

Another Perspective on the Market

The Warren Group is recognized by many as a leading real estate research firm.

Willard Warren, from the Warren group, answers questions about Massachusetts' market for Boston Globe reporter Kimberly Blanton.

It makes for an interesting read and compares the market today with the last real downturn back in the 1990's.

Tomorrow is the "road opener" for the Olde Town Team and I for one am excited to see Dice-K throw.

Go Sox!

- Geof

Monday, March 24, 2008

Blip or Turn Around?

I just had to do it. I know I will (may) be accused for seeing the glass as half-full but I can't resist it when I come across news that says something about the real estate market picking up.

It turns out that existing home sales in February showed a slight up-tick says NAR, and USA Today picked the story up. In short it says that contrary to the analysts predictions and expectations the number of properties sold went up in February.

The complete article is here:

It's not all good news though, the average price still was headed down vs. a year ago.

Tomorrow morning is Opening Day at the Tokyo Dome. It will seem weird, but I plan on being in front of the tv with my peanuts and orange juice to watch the first pitch.

Go Sox!

- Geof

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Interesting Web Sites

We all have them, someone who sends us jokes and other "non-work-related" emails. In my case it's my father-in-law. I enjoy most of them and it's nice that he takes the time to think of me as often as he does.

Anyway, this morning I got an email from him about a website that I thought might be of interest to you all. It is a site that will display demographics based on zipcode.

You go to the site and type in a zipcode. The site then puts together some demographic data about the zipcode and displays it for you.

Give it a try!

Also, a brief word about the "validity" of the site might be appropriate at this juncture. If you read the "About ZIPskinny" you will discover that the site was based on 2000 Census data and there also might be some issues with sample size. Browse the About ZIPskinny tab to read the developers message. And as always Caveat Emptor - and remember the credo of all web-denizens, "If it's on the web IT MUST BE TRUE!"

Go Sox!

- Geof

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Two Great Condos in Watertown

If you are looking for:

A one-bedroom condo with an open floorplan, parking, a large yard and new kitchen, look no farther than my listing at 37 Melendy Ave., Unit 1 in Watertown. Oh yeah, did I mention that there is also public transportation at the top of the street. And shops, restaurants, taverns and conveniences abound?


Three Bedroom, two bath with in-unit laundry, private entrance, parking, new kitchen, private deck and balcony? It also benefits from the location.

Check them out at:

Go Sox!

6 Rules for Surviving a Soft Market

Today's Boston Sunday Globe Magazine included an article with the title "6 Rules For Surviving a Soft Market". The article lays out cleanly and succinctly some guidelines for both Sellers and Buyers to help them relax in today's real estate market.

Of course, I look at these articles with keen interest to see if there are any pearls of wisdom to glean especially with the conversations that I find myself in on a daily basis. Almost everyone I see asks me, often without saying "Hello" first, "How's the market?"

What I see in the article is the type of advice I tend to give when asked by buyers and sellers. Here's a link to the story if you didn't happen to see it today.

Congrats to Daisuke and his Wife on the birth of their second child.

Go Sox!

Friday, March 7, 2008

A Couple of Newsworthy Items - Capital Gains and Mortgage Guidelines

It seems that every conversation about buying or selling Real Estate naturally comes around to a discussion of finances. Over the last few months there have been a couple of changes, they aren't directly related, but both will more than likely be considered good news depending on your situation. Of course, I'm not a financial advisor so please check with your own advisor to see if either of these changes are appropriate to your situation.

Capital Gains - or - "Wait A Year...."

In a nutshell, the US Congress has finally come around to change a law that was needlessly penalizing folks. As many know, the common advice when a spouse passes away is to "Wait for a year before you make any big decisions." More often than not, these "big decisions" include whether or not to sell a home.

In the past, if you waited too long, your eligibility to avoid some of the Capital Gains Tax often expired during this year of mourning.

Well, the US Congress has changed the law. You can learn more about it at:

New Mortgage Guidelines

There are new guidelines from the government loan agencies (Freddie Mac and Fanny Mae) regarding loans written in our region. They have raised the cap amounts and also changed some of the funding guidelines. To read more about this go to:

Thanks for stopping by.....

Go Sox!

- Geof

Friday, February 29, 2008

More Sox News, The market is picking up....

Well, the next rite of spring has taken place, of course it needed to wait for the World Champion Boston Red Sox to get back from visiting the President. But the BC Eagles, and Northeastern, played their annual games against the big guys.

It wasn't pretty for the college kids, but as things go, it's not about the score but about the Sox getting in some playing and the college kids working out the kinks. It is their first outdoor excursion this year.

Neither college team lit up the park, but that's not what its about. It's a chance for everyone to have a little fun and play a game that means more for the memories of the college players than anything else.

It looks like they had fun. There are pictures at if you are interested in taking a look. The Boston Globe deserves props for some great pics.

Otherwise, the Real Estate market still seems to be heating up around here, like a good day in Florida, more properties are coming on the market everyday and some of them are very nice.

Buyers are also coming out, like bears out of hibernation, they are ready to go and they know what they want. Well priced properties are getting attention and things are selling.

If you are interested in discussing anything Real Estate (or Sox) related don't hesitate to drop me a line. I'm always up for a quick conversation.

Let me end this with a plea to the Heavens - No More Snow!

Go Sox!

Friday, February 22, 2008

Spring Training - Spring Market?

Some of the rites of spring around the Boston area are:

- the annual equipment truck leaving Fenway off to City of Palms Park
- pitchers and catchers arriving, and
- position players arriving at Spring Training.

Another rite of Spring around the Boston Area is the up-tick in the local real estate market.

Well, empirically, I can say that the spring market is here. Over the last few weeks properties have started to show-up on the market, folks are turning out for Open Houses in greater numbers than over the last few months and more folks are contacting me about their intentions for buying/selling their properties.

Like the first Crocus of the spring poking its shoots up through the ground, the first deals of the spring market are forming. Even though the snow is falling (once again) the feeling I get is one of hope from the folks that I talk with, that all though there is conversation about the mortgage issues of the past, and some conversation about a possible recession, there is still guarded hope and positive data that the market is still alive and healthy in the Boston Area.

BTW - I loved "Manny-being-Manny" over the last two days and I am very interested in how centerfield will shake out this year.

Go Sox!

- Geof

Friday, February 8, 2008

Finally, an article about Real Estate in Massachusetts that isn't doom and gloom!

The Globe ran an article today in the business section titled Loans still flowing to many in Mass that basically says that there is money available for loans for borrowers who qualify. And with many properties being offered at prices not seen before (lower prices) this adds up to a time where it might just make sense to buy.

If you want a copy of the article I would be happy to send it along, otherwise you can find it in the Home/Business section of todays Boston Globe or on-line at:

Go Sox!


Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Ahhh Warmth.....

Our Pellet Stove

We just bought (hopefullly) the last 100 gallons of heating oil that we will need this winter (we heat almost exclusively with a pellet stove now) and use oil for domestic hot water only. The bill was for $3.25 a gallon (great price) but none-the-less a lot more expensive than the $6-10 a day for pellets and electricity to heat the house. If we get through until Saturday using only two more bags of pellets we will have heated approx. 2500 sq. ft. of living space for a fuel cost of approximately $212.14. And we've had some pretty cold days/nights these last few weeks.

Our fuel cost last year for the same period of time was approximately 290 gallons of oil at a per gallon price of $2.69 or roughly $780.

Gas would have also been over $700 for the same period of time.

I am so glad we switched to a perpetually renewable, easily obtained, non-toxic, carbon-neutral source of heat for our house. My biggest problem with the new fuel is the plastic bags they come in.

As an aside, I just shut the stove off for the evening, I didn't realize that it had reached 68 in the house. I don't remember the last time our house was warmer than 60 on a January evening.

Granted the pellet stove takes a little commitment (feeding and cleaning) and getting used to, but it's a joy to have around and we've reduced our carbon footprint ever so much more.

Go Pats!


Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Happy New Year (Belated)

So, another year is behind us. Lots happened last year, here's the recap.


  • More properties sold in our market area than during the previous year
  • We moved to a new office in Belmont Center (Come on by to visit)
  • As a company we were able to realize higher prices for our clients than our competitors
  • Our local market seems to have been missed by the much touted mortgage meltdown and subsequent foreclosures

We're looking forward to the upcoming year, buyers are out there looking and learning, the feeling is one of cautious optimism among my colleagues that the spring will bring out buyers (and sellers) and that good properties that are priced well will continue to bring strong offers.

On The Environment

We just installed a pellet stove in the house - we are moving one more step towards reducing our carbon footprint. I'm researching adding solar panels to the house, and an on-demand hot water heater as further steps to reduce our families carbon footprint. More later.

Thanks for stopping by....

Go Pats!
